Argentina: Bill on Gender Parity and Equal Opportunities in the Workplace Proposed

(Apr. 4, 2018) On March 13, 2018, Argentina’s government submitted to the National Congress a bill to amend the Labor Contract Law in order to establish gender parity standards in the workplace. (Proyecto 0038/18, Mar. 13, 2018, Cámara de Diputados website.)

The bill aims at implementing equal pay for equal work, enforcing equality in hiring and promotion criteria, providing safe working conditions, and expanding family leave coverage. (Los detalles del proyecto de equidad de género que enviará el Gobierno al Congreso, INFOBAE (Mar. 8, 2018).)

The bill establishes the obligation of employers to attain gender parity, requiring that workers, regardless of their gender, have equal rights in their access to employment and in their work and career development. (Id.)

Under the bill, the constitutional principle of equal pay for equal work would be guaranteed, not only in setting salaries and wages but also when selecting employees to perform duties outside the workplace. At the same time, employers would be obligated to ensure equal protection against unhealthy or unsafe working conditions. (Id.)

Employers would also be required to adopt behavioral protocols and enforce the ones already in place, complying with gender parity standards as a business practice. Unions would also have to adjust their bylaws to meet the same standards required of employers. (Id.) Read more via LOC