UK: Theresa May says she deeply regrets Britain's legacy of anti-gay laws

Theresa May has said that she “deeply regrets” Britain’s historical legacy of anti-gay laws across the Commonwealth as its 53 leaders gathered in London for their annual summit.

The prime minister urged the Commonwealth nations to overhaul “outdated”, colonial-era legislation that treats more than 100 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across the member countries as criminals.

May had already gone further than any of her predecessors when she acknowledged last year that Britain had a “special responsibility” to help change hearts and minds on anti-gay laws.

May drew cheers from some in the audience on Tuesday when she said: “Nobody should face persecution or discrimination because of who they are or who they love.”

The human rights activist Peter Tatchell described the move as “positive and welcome” but suggested it should have been made in front of Commonwealth leaders who oversaw the enforcement of the repressive laws rather than at an NGO side event.

However, he added: “This statement of regret cannot be easily dismissed and disparaged by Commonwealth heads of government. The prime minister’s regret for Britain’s imposition of anti-gay laws valuably reframes the LGBT issue in a way that it is likely to provoke less hostility in Commonwealth countries.” Read more via the Guardian