East Timor's LGBTI community keeps getting stronger together

One of the world’s youngest nations is powering ahead on LGBTI rights and has come up with a clever way to promote inclusion. Last year, East Timor’s first Pride March made headlines around the world, not only for its color and celebration, but because it was a remarkable achievement. It only became an independent state in 2002 after decades of authoritative Indonesian rule. In that time it has had to build itself up very quickly.

There has been little time to give attention to the LGBTI community. Like many others around the world LGBTI face a lot of violence, discrimination and family pressures. But the East Timorese are family oriented and the first part of overcoming stigma is to increase family acceptance of LGBTI people.

Youth organization, Hatutan Youth, has come up with a really clever idea to promote acceptance and inclusion. There were no resources in local languages – Tetum and Portuguese – about the LGBTI community so they decided to make their own. ‘The Road to Acceptance’ is a 15 minute-long video features inspiring stories of renowned LGBTI people.

‘It is time we make our own video,’ Hatutan Youth coordinator Natalino Guterres told Gay Star News.

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Short documentary featuring members of the LGBTI community in Timor-Leste and their allies sharing their personal stories.

‘We understand Timorese people are very visual, and it is our hope that such powerful and positive stories can help change people’s perspectives on the issue.’