Companies With LGBTQ-Inclusive Ads Can Increase Sales By 40%

“It’s the Super Bowl every day in the digital world, and the brands that aren’t focused on creating an inspiring message to the LGBTQ audience—they’re missing a chance to shine,” says Sean Howell, co-founder and president of Hornet. Hornet is the leading gay social network outside the U.S.

In October 2017, the social media company released a study, LGBTQ Ad Format Effectiveness Study, in conjunction with Nielsen that surveyed 800 LGBTQ-identifying men between 18 and 54-years old. The study explored the efficacy of LGBTQ-themed advertising on queer consumers. It compared the effectiveness of inclusive marketing strategies with generic ads from the same brands. The study measured engagement in terms of brand recall, familiarity and affinity, as well as purchase and recommendation intent.

LGBTQ-inclusive advertising helps brands connect with the queer demographic, but it’s not just about a return on investment. For the queer community, as with all minority demographics, inclusion is also about economic equality and self-actualization.

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