Kenya: Sex workers, homosexuals step up campaign for HIV/AIDS prevention drugs use

Sex workers as well as gays and lesbians in Mombasa on Tuesday held a peaceful demonstration that targets at bolstering campaigns for the consumption of HIV/Aids prevention drugs popularly known as PrEP.

PrEP stands for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis which is medication taken by people who are sexually active and have high chances of engaging in unprotected sex.

The drug is usually taken for seven days under the instruction of a physician and if taken correctly, can prevent one from acquiring the HIV virus that causes the deadly Aids disease.

The protesters who matched along Mombasa streets said Kenya is well positioned to cut HIV/Aids transmission if such campaigns are rolled out in all parts of the country.

The demonstration was held in conjunction with a local lobby group, International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) that runs campaigns targeting youth with the objective of using contraceptives to prevent HIV/Aids transmission.

The organisation's Coast region representative Esther Menza said "both county and national governments should support efforts aimed at cutting HIV/Aids transmission especially among youth". Read more via hivisasa