US: Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez honoured by LGBT campaigners

Parkland school shooting survivor Emma González, the head of Stoneman Douglas High School’s Gay-Straight Alliance, has been honoured by Equality Florida for her work on equality and gun control.

Emma González was a senior at the school in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people died and 14 were injured in a mass shooting by an extremist with a legally-bought assault rifle last month. González, who is bisexual, is used to taking on archaic opinions as President of the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance – and in the wake of the tragedy she has earned a following taking on the NRA.

“Now that we know we have the power to call BS, nothing can stand in our way of using it. I am Emma González. I am a bisexual Cuban. We are people of different genders, skin colours, stories. We are members of GSA at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Tonight, we are all MSD Strong.” Read more via PinkNews