Australia: 'Outrage': Labor attempts to fast track vote on gay student bill after government delay

Labor will attempt to force a vote on the controversial bill granting religious schools the ability to discriminate against gay students, just hours after the Coalition tried to relegate it to next year.

On Monday afternoon, Labor senator Penny Wong introduced a motion into Parliament to bring on a vote by Wednesday afternoon.

"[This gives] the Senate a chance to ensure we actually protect LGBTIQ kids before we leave this place," Senator Wong told the chamber.

Earlier, the Coalition government won support for a delay.

Legislation was due to be voted on Monday afternoon but government Senate leader Mathias Cormann suspended the debate, ensuring protections will not be in place this year. The move enraged Labor's Senate leader Penny Wong, who shouted it was an "outrage" after being caught off-guard by the government's tactics.

She accused the government of up-ending the Senate to avoid voting on protecting LGBTIQ children because they were worried about losing a lower house vote, where the coalition no longer commands a majority.

"Call an election instead of lying the way you have about this issue," Senator Wong told parliament.

She savaged Centre Alliance's two senators for voting for the delay, telling Rex Patrick "shame on you" for siding with the government.

Senator Cormann said the government supported the aims of legislation, but wanted to refine it through a parliamentary committee. Read more via SBS