Mexico: The Alternative 2020 AIDS Conference Is Definitely Happening in Mexico City

In September, we reported that networks worldwide of people living with HIV/AIDS, sex workers, and drug users were calling for an "alternative" 2020 international AIDS conference outside the U.S. to protest that the traditional biennial one is being held in the Bay Area despite the fact that people from Muslim-majority countries may have a hard time getting into the U.S. for the conference. In addition, sex workers and people who use drugs -- populations that intersect with HIV work -- are not allowed into the U.S. unless they (essentially) lie on their admission paperwork.

Well, on December 10, a coalition of those networks announced HIV 2020: Community Reclaiming the Global Response, to be held in Mexico City July 6 to 8, 2020, concurrent with the first two days of the traditional conference in the Bay Area. In other words, the alternative, people-living-with-HIV/AIDS-focused conference is definitely happening. We hopped on Skype with one of the key organizers, George Ayala, Psy.D., executive director of MPact Global Action for Gay Men's Health and Rights, to get more details.

Tim Murphy: Thanks for hopping on Skype from Amsterdam, George. So, tell us everything you know so far about the alternative conference.

George Ayala: We deliberately set the dates for the front end of the international conference, partly because there's going to be a handful of people who want to attend both. We're still researching possible venues in Mexico City. I have some steering committee members who are connected with the new president [of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador] and his administration, and they've given us every indication that they're open to hosting. We think that Mexico is a little easier to get into if you're a sex worker or a person who uses drugs. Their immigration website says they'll deny entry for anyone who has a criminal record, but I don't think they ask at the border like the U.S. does. It's not ideal, but it's easier than the U.S., plus it's in a time zone that would permit an easy connection to the Bay Area if we want to open up lines of communication. There may be an opportunity for us to co-program or telecast our keynote speaker to the main conference and vice versa.

TM: What is the programming for the alternative conference?

GA: In January, we'll set up three big working groups: communications, fundraising, and programming.  Read more via TheBody