Armenia: Amid threats, LGBT forum is cancelled

The organizers of a Christian LGBT forum in Armenia have canceled the event after it became a political football ahead of next month’s elections.

In a statement issued November 6, New Generation, a Yerevan-based NGO that was helping to organize the conference, cited “constant threats” and “organized intimidation.” They also said that the Armenian police had shown a “lack of sufficient readiness” to protect them.

“I don’t consider it appropriate to hold the forum in Armenia, considering the risks and security considerations,” Armenia’s police chief Valeriy Osipyan told journalists the same day. “We advised that the forum should not be held in Armenia.”

Pashinyan’s government “fails to protect the rights of its citizens,” wrote Mika Artyan, an Armenian LGBT activist, on Twitter. “Basically they failed to carry on their duties when it comes to rights of #LGBT citizens. Unacceptable.”

Having previously held thirteen similar events across the region, organizers said they expected little trouble. A Gospel verse was chosen as the event’s theme. “The spirit of our Forum is love in Christ which knows no boundaries, be it country, denomination, gender or anything else,” said the announcement.

But over the following months, the event became a subject of heated discussions around Armenia and, eventually, even on the floor of parliament. It was condemned by the Armenian church and occasioned handwringing about the destiny of Armenia’s traditional family.

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