Taiwan: ‘Gay Netflix’ heads abroad

With more than 800 titles in its catalog, GagaOOLala appears to be thriving in its mission to become “gay Netflix,” just a month shy of its second birthday. However, founder Jay Lin (林志杰) says there’s another component of Netflix to emulate — expanding the platform’s original content beyond Taiwan.

“Netflix’s strategy includes finding suitable topics in other countries and empowering local directors to find and tell the stories,” Lin told the Taipei Times.

Last month, GagaOOLala launched its Queer Asia series, an extension of its Queer Taiwan mini-documentaries, which looks at marriage equality as well as other less-explored topics such as drag queens, sexual services for disabled people and same-sex couples raising children. The Hong Kong and Philippines editions are already available for free on GagaOOLala, with Japan and Vietnam coming next.

“We wanted to start with relatively LGBTQ-friendly countries,” Lin says. “We’re not going to go straight to [socially conservative countries] such as Brunei and Malaysia; that will cause us too much trouble.” Read more via Taipei Times