Poland: Schools cancel LGBT tolerance day under govt pressure

More than 200 schools in Poland today (26 October) planned to participate in Rainbow Friday, a day meant to promote acceptance for LGBTI students.

Due to government pressure, however, several schools dropped out of the event.

Campaign Against Homophobia, a civil rights group in the country initially planned the day. According to Private broadcaster TVN, schools pulled out following criticism of the day.

Anna Zalewska, the education minister, allegedly threatened school principals with negative consequences if their schools participated. She also reportedly told parents to report any such activities as well.

Growing hardships for LGBTI community

Recently in Poland, other LGBTI events have also been threatened with cancellation and protests.

Earlier this month, the mayor of Lublin requested the city’s Pride march to not take place. Despite this, the city did hold its first ever Pride march, even as violent counter-protests also took place. Read more via Gay Star News