Cuba: Evangelical Churches in Cuba Warn of 'Total Destruction' If Gay Marriage Becomes Law

Some evangelicals have warned of "total destruction" in Cuba should the country legalize same-sex marriage and have started campaigns against a proposed amendment to do so.

Article 68, as Reuters has reported, is at the center of the controversy, as it looks to redefine matrimony as gender neutral. LGBT groups have backed the proposed constitutional amendment, while evangelical churches have warned of serious consequences.

"If this is approved, our nation is going to total destruction," said Alida Leon Baez, president of the Cuban Evangelical League Church.

Baez said that she expects more than 500,000 Cubans to sign a petition against same-sex marriage.

"We do not in any way approve Article 68 ... because the Bible condemns it," added Pastor Lester Fernandez of the Methodist Church in Havana.

Part of the campaign looking to preserve Cuba's traditional definition of marriage includes posters that celebrate "[the] original family design, just as God created it."

LGBT activists have said that pro same-sex marriage groups have been restricted to running their counter-campaign mostly on social media, as the government doesn't officially recognize most independent activists.

Mariela Castro, niece of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who rounded up both religious people and gay people and put them in labor camps following his 1959 revolution, has been one of the main figures behind the LGBT rights movements. She is the director of the National Center for Sex Education, which has backed same-sex marriage. Read more via Christian Post