Uganda: LGBTI film festival defiantly returns after police raid

After a police raid forced it to shut down, Uganda’s only LGBTI film festival has defiantly finished screening its remaining films.

The Queer Kampala International Film Festival (QueerKIFF) was set to run from 8 – 10 December last year. The first night of the festival was a huge success, selling out the opening night screenings.

But as organizers arrived to the secret location to set up on the Saturday they were tipped off that local police would be arriving within 30 minutes to conduct a raid.

Even though it is illegal to be gay in Uganda, and police have recently shut down other Pride events, it is not against the law to show films with LGBTI content.

That is why festival organizers including QueerKIFF director, Kamoga Hassan, were adamant the show must go on.

‘People trusted us with their films. We had to keep our word and make these films accessible to the people,’ Hassan told Gay Star News. Read more via Gay Star News