“LGBT International Powerlifting Championships” Announce The Introduction of Inclusive Mx Category

“LGBT International Powerlifting Championships” Announce The Introduction of Inclusive Mx Category For Transgender, Non Binary and Intersex Athletes  …

Registration for the LGBT International Powerlifting Championships 2018 is now open and the organisers have introduced a new “optional” Mx Category (Third Gender) to encourage people from Transgender, Non Binary and Intersex Communities to participate in sports. The LGBT Championships are open to ALL regardless of sexuality, health status, hiv status, gender or ability.

At last year’s event the Union of Lifters that organises the Championships agreed unanimously at congress to equalise weight classes for all participants and to introduce the Mx Category as an option for Transgender, Non Binary and Intersex Participants. The LGBT International Powerlifting Championships are an annual event, with an aim of developing LGBT Powerlifting worldwide and increasing participation between now and the Gay Games in Hong Kong in 2022.

One of the key aims of the Federation of Gay Games is to reach out to under-represented groups within sports and next year’s LGBT IPC 2018 will be the first sporting event in the world to welcome Transgender participants with an optional Mx third gender category. The principles of the Gay Games are built on the core principles of Participation, Inclusion and Personal Best and LGBT IPC aims to encourage these principles as we grow. Read more via LGBT Powerlifting