Croatia: Children's book features rainbow family

The first Croatian picture book about same-sex families, "My Rainbow Family", recently published by the Rainbow Families association, was launched at the French Institute in Zagreb on Thursday evening. The book was published in 500 copies, which, it was said, had already been snapped up. The publication was made possible with the financial assistance of the French Embassy.

A statement from an adviser at the French Embassy, Guillaume Colin, was distributed to reporters covering the event, saying: We are confident that it is worth fighting for tolerance and respect for diversity, which are at the core of our shared European values. The fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is one of the key priorities of France's policy of human rights protection, which was why the French Embassy was proud to support the publishing of the picture book "My Rainbow Family".

The coordinator of the Rainbow Families association, Daniel Martinović, said that they were surprised by the great interest of the public in the book and that new editions were being planned.

The author of the picture book, Ivo Šegota, said that the publication, the first to speak only about rainbow families, was designed to help bring the story of rainbow families and differences in the Croatian society closer to all who wanted it as well as make it easier for parents to talk to their children about same-sex families. Read more via Total Croatia