Myanmar: Employers must act to end workplace discrimination

The Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business has called on employers to end workplace discrimination, in a new briefing paper that has highlighted the systematic exclusion of women and minorities across many of the country’s leading industries.

Published Thursday, the report identifies a number of discriminatory practices aimed at excluding women, the LGBT community, people living with HIV and religious and ethnic minorities from the workforce.

 “The discrimination happening today in the community is mainly a matter of societal attitudes and culture rather than law,” said Ms Vicky Bowman, the MCRB’s executive director, at the report’s launch on Thursday.

“So we would like to see all companies combat discrimination and make a commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and equal opportunity as core business values.”

Among the report’s findings were fewer opportunities for women in the information technology sector, despite more women than men pursuing university qualifications in the field; job notices that specified gender requirements for applicants; and women requiring higher grades than men to enter some industries. Read more via Frontier Myanmar