Kenya: Medical Association condemns forced anal examinations

Kenya Medical Association

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Resolutions of the Kenya Medical Association at the 196th National Governing Council Meeting held on 23rd September 2017 at the Methodist Guest House, Nairobi

The Kenya Medical Association is the premier Association working to improve the welfare of doctors in the country as well as advocating for quality healthcare for all Kenyans.

At the 196th National Governing Council (NGC) Meeting held on 23rd September 2017, the Association considered a variety of matters affecting the provision of health care in Kenya.

Chief among these were the rights of our clients and the health providers, as well as the deteriorating situation in the health sector with total paralysis of public health facilities due to health worker strikes.

As a result of this, the National Governing Council resolved as follows:

  1. Considering the paralysis in the public health sector, to urge National and County governments on the one hand, and the health workers’ associations and unions on the other, to join the Kenya Medical Association in a National Convention on the management of Human Resources for Health in order to end the crisis.
  2. In the matter of human rights, to work with like-minded institutions including the Independent Medical Legal Unit (IMLU) in ensuring that Health Rights as guaranteed by our Constitution are respected, safeguarded and upheld in the medical profession.
  3. To condemn and discourage any form of forced examination of clients, even in the guise of discovering crimes, and to advise practitioners to always conduct consenting procedures for ALL clients they examine.
  4. To advise practitioners to ALWAYS adhere to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in their interactions with all clients under all circumstances, including those under police custody.
  5. To call on the National Government to ensure that health workers operate in safe and secure environments, free of intimidation or duress, including from officers in government or the security forces.
  6. Through our Reproductive Health Committee, to organize a forum to address the health needs and rights of members of the LGBTIQ community
  7. To urge government, at National and County levels, to take concrete steps in implementation of the citizens’ right to health, failing which the Association shall institute court proceedings to demand the implementation of these rights as guaranteed by the constitution of Kenya, 2010.


See the document here