US: My parents pretended my long lost gay brother was missing, until I found him

In a touching story posted on Reddit, one man recounted how after decades apart, he and his brothers were reunited.  His parents had told him his gay brother was ‘missing’. Writing in four gripping installments, Reddit user throwaway4620048486 explained his brother’s ‘disappearance’ and the emotional journey to reconnecting with him.

In his first post, he explained how he had grown up with no clue that his older brother was gay. 

Throwaway writes that when he was in college, he and his sports team appeared on national television.

This moment changed everything. He writes that a few days after, he received a gift basket and did not know who had sent it. “I called my dad and thanked him for the gift basket and he said he didn’t send one, neither did mom. Then I got to thinking: all of those candies were what I used to eat as a kid. Literally all I ate for the earliest years of my life were those candies.”

In his first post, he blamed his brother for ‘destroying’ the family. He wrote: “Maybe my brother knows what he did. Maybe he regrets it and knows he can’t come back home.”

In two follow up posts, throwaway said he had made a shocking discovery. His parents had found his brother – years ago, they knew he was gay, and they had kept it a secret. Read more via Pink News