Israel: Ultra-Orthodox Israeli MP quits amid gay wedding criticism

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish member of Israel's parliament has resigned after prominent rabbis criticised him for attending his gay nephew's wedding.

Yigal Guetta revealed in a radio interview on Sunday that he had gone to the ceremony two years ago. He said that although same-sex marriage was against his religious beliefs he had wanted to make his nephew happy. But five rabbis accused Mr Guetta of desecrating God's name and demanded that the religious Shas party fire him.

Same-sex weddings held in Israel are not sanctioned by the state. However, couples who wed abroad can register officially as married couples.

The head of the secular Yesh Atid party, Yair Lapid, tweeted: "It's sad that in Israel in 2017 a [Member of the Knesset] is forced to resign because he participated in the wedding of two people who love each other." Read more via BBC