Australia: On The Eve Of The Same-Sex Marriage Survey, Apple Renews Its Support

"We support marriage equality and believe all Australians deserve the freedom to marry the person they love, and to have their relationships recognised with the same dignity and legal protections as their neighbours, friends, and family."

This is Apple's official stance on the marriage equality issue - and it doesn't exactly come as a surprise.

Nope, this isn't a bandwagoning move from Apple, looking to be handed a cookie for displaying basic human decency. The open support started years ago.

Back in June 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook shared his support for the US legalising gay marriage, telling Twitter followers that the day "marks a victory for equality, perseverance and love."

The official statement from Apple reflected this, as well. Cook says he felt a "tremendous responsibility" to publicly come out, and in this interview with The Late Show's Stephen Colbert he explains that "it became so clear to me that kids were getting bullied in school, kids were getting basically discriminated against, kids were even being disclaimed by their own parents and that I needed to do something." Read more via Gizmodo

Apple CEO Tim Cook talks about sharing his truth and the goal of helping others who are struggling with their own.