UK: LGBTQ Hate Crimes Are On the Rise In the UK

According to new numbers from the LGBTQ charity Stonewall, the number of attacks on queer individuals in the UK has risen at an alarming and troubling rate.

Up almost 80 percent in the last four years, Stonewall states that more than one in five LGBTQ people have experienced a “hate crime or incident due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.” The charity group used YouGov polling for more than 5000 people in the United Kingdom to identify this worrisome trend.

Not every hate crime reported by the survey pool was a physically violent one. The most common form of intolerance people reported was being “insulted, pestered, intimidated, or harassed,” with almost 90 percent reporting being on the receiving end of this type of treatment. Transgender individuals are the most at-risk for abuse, with two in five have experienced a hate crime or incident in the last 12 months alone.

Read the full Stonewall study, here.

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