Germany: Anne Frank was attracted to girls

Holocaust victim and famous diarist Anne Frank was attracted to girls.  The Jewish teenager whose diary became one of the most-read first-person accounts of the Holocaust wrote about her sexuality in a sometimes-censored passage. Anne and her family attempted to escape the Nazi regime but were trapped, hiding in Amsterdam.

They were discovered by the Nazis in 1944, and transported to concentration camps. Anne died aged 15 at Bergen-Belsen, not long before the Allies liberated the camp.

She wrote in the diary she kept while trapped that psychologist Sis Heyster had stated that “girls of this age don’t feel quite certain of themselves”.

They “discover that they themselves are individuals with ideas, thoughts, and habits,” she wrote that the psychologist had said. Anne continued: “After I came here, when I was just fourteen, I began to think about myself sooner than most girls, and to know that I am a ‘person.’ “Sometimes, when I lie in bed at night, I have a terrible desire to feel my breasts and to listen to the quiet rhythmic beat of my heart.”

Speaking about her best friend Jacqueline van Maarsen, the teenager continued: “I already had these kinds of feelings subconsciously before I came here”. She added: “I remember that once when I slept with a girl friend I had a strong desire to kiss her, and that I did do so. Read more via Pink News