Australia: Adorable video teaches trans men all about PrEP

A cute video is helping trans men to learn about PrEP and how it can help prevent HIV.

The animated video is narrated by Billy, trans man who has just started having sex with other men. He talks about the anxiety he had around HIV and going to the sexual health clinic.

‘I never thought after I transitioned, I’d become a big, flaming homo,’ Billy says in the video.

‘It’s really important to me that I enjoy my sex life. Since I started having sex with other gay men my anxiety around acquiring HIV increased significantly.’

Billy tells the story of how he learnt about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). PrEP is a HIV preventative drug that is proven to be 99% effective at the preventing HIV.

‘It didn’t even matter that I was on testosterone, it was still OK to start PrEP,’ Billy says.

The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) made the video. It had the support of the team running Victoria’s PrEPX trial at The Alfred Hospital. Read more and watch via Gay Star News