Russia: LGBT activists face off with police and far-right protesters in largest St. Petersburg Pride yet

LGBT activists in Russia held the biggest Pride celebration in St. Petersburg yet despite facing off with police and far-right protesters. An estimated 100 people turned out for the eighth annual LGBT Pride in St. Petersburg’s Field of Mars yesterday.

Riot police watched closely as the group, which is believed to be the biggest turnout since 2010, waved rainbow flags and signs. Sveta, a lesbian activist said that “everyone has their own reason to come to the Pride”.

“Many of my friends didn’t come because they were afraid to be discriminated at work, to lose their job or get expelled from university”.

Holding Pride celebrations in Russia is increasingly difficult since the introduction of the “gay propaganda law” in 2013.

The controversial law, which has been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights, can carry a fine of up to 500,000 rubles ($8,000 USD). Read more via Pink News


Молодые люди спортивного телосложения напали на активистов ЛГБТ-движения и журналистов после акции на Марсовом поле. Как сообщает корреспондент "Фонтанки", им в лицо распылили перцовый газ. 12 августа на Марсовом поле состоялся ЛГБТ-прайд. Ещё до окончания акции возле места проведения митинга начали собираться молодые люди спортивного телосложения, однако полиция не подпускала их к участникам мероприятия. Участники митинга за равноправие завершили его в районе 15:30, после чего начали расходиться. Как сообщает корреспондент "Фонтанки", когда активисты и журналисты переходили 2-й Садовый мост возле Марсова поля, на них набросились молодые люди в спортивных костюмах и распылили в лицо перцовые баллончики. В частности, пострадали порядка 10 ЛГБТ активистов, журналисты Current time, фотограф Давид Френкель. Досталось и корреспонденту "Фонтанки" Ксении Клочковой. На данный момент на месте работают врачи скорой помощи, активисты обратились в полицию. #МойПрайд #MyPride #spbPride #лгбт #гейспб #spb #питер #lgbt #spbpride2017 #gay #гей #радужныйпетербург #lgbtqa Фото: Dave Frenkel, @enssen

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Rainbow Petersburg posted on instagram about the event: On August 12, LGBT Pride took place on the Champ de Mars. Even before the end of the rally, young people of athletic build began to gather near the venue of the rally, but the police did not allow them to join the event. Participants in the rally for equality ended it at around 15:30, after which they began to disperse.

As the correspondent of "Fontanka" reports, when activists and journalists passed the 2nd Garden Bridge near the Field of Mars, they were attacked by young people in sports suits and sprayed pepper spray bottles in their faces. In particular, about 10 LGBT activists, journalists Current time, photographer David Frenkel were injured.