Uganda: Cancellation of Pride 2017

It is with very heavy hearts and deep-felt sadness that we announce the cancellation of Pride Uganda 2017. Following the Police raid and interruption of the Pride parade last year, extra precaution was taken in organising this year’s festival.

2017 has without a doubt been the most challenging festival to put together- the community was still determined to have this celebration even though 2016 left us very saddened and with traumatic memories as well as some near-fatal injuries; one would have thought that we would back down this year but these radiant and brave souls said a big NO!! There were no second thoughts about whether or not Pride should happen this year, in fact there was no need for debate- we were not going to allow hate, homophobia, prejudice, and a misinformed and biased society to get in the way of the one time in the year that we get together and remind ourselves that we are no criminals, we are no misfits and we are no mistakes!

The community realized the need for us to stand together, hold one another’s hands, celebrate our diversity but most importantly acknowledge and pat our selves on the back for the hard work we put into creating visibility and influencing policy change, all year round.

Sadly, even all the courage and determination that we carry in our hearts is not enough to put the lives of so many innocent people at risk. This morning, we woke up to a tirade of police surrounding the venue of the opening gala and later in the day even as talks with Police and other relevant authorities were ongoing, more deployment was made to the venues of the events that were to follow. Read more via Kuchu Times