Paris Community Declaration 2017

We, Key Affected Populations living with or affected by HIV, proclaim that we are more than just numbers. We have essential needs that must be met equitably. It is time to put an end to our prosecution. We demand full commitment and respect from all the stakeholders we address in this Declaration.

The definition of key populations may change across different contexts: based on epidemiological evidence and geographic, social, legal and political environments. People living with HIV, gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), sex workers, transgender people, people who inject drugs (PWID) and prisoners are considered the main Key Affected Populations (KAP) within the global HIV response. However, we also consider indigenous peoples and racialized groups, women and girls, youth, migrants and refugees, as affected populations that must be taken into account as possible Key Affected Populations in many contexts.

By this Declaration, we reclaim the power of the Denver Principles (“Nothing for us without us”) and the GIPA principles. We insist they be honored in light of the evolving epidemic and recent scienti c gains for successful responses to HIV/AIDS and related mental and health conditions. Read more the full statement