12 times Sir Patrick Stewart was the best LGBT ally

Sir Patrick Stewart is such a great ally to the LGBT community that he’s been mistakenly labelled a gay man himself.

(He’s straight and married to a woman – but he loves kissing men, so…)

A close friend of Stonewall co-founder Sir Ian McKellen, Patrick is a champion of gay rights and equality. He’s also a patron of domestic violence charity Refuge, just FYI.

We love LGBT allies – here’s why P-Stew is one of the finest…

1. When he was flattered that he was mistaken for a gay man

Sir Patrick was mistakenly outed by the Guardian in 2014 when they wrote: “Some gay people, such as Sir Patrick Stewart, think [Ellen] Page’s coming out speech is newsworthy.” He tweeted the newspaper at the time: “But @guardian I have, like, five or even SEVEN hetero friends and we totally drink beer and eat lots of chicken wings!”

Laughing off the incident in an interview with the Advocate, he said: “Quite frankly, I was utterly flattered by that assumption. And indeed the first contact I had was from Ian McKellen, who sent me an email saying, ‘Congratulations!’ And I accepted the congratulations and said, ‘I think this is a very distinctive honor that I’ve been awarded’. The Guardian is a newspaper that I love and have tremendous affection for,” he added. Read more via Pink News