UK: Election results 2017: The most diverse Parliament yet

Asked to describe an average MP, many will imagine a privately-educated, straight, white man. But the make-up of the Commons is changing, with record-breaking strides being made in the 2017 general election.

The vote delivered the most diverse House of Commons ever with a rise in the number of women, LGBT and ethnic minority MPs elected. There has also been an increase in MPs who went to state school as well as a boost for disabled representation. 

There are 45 MPs who openly define themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), according to senior government equality advisor John Peart.

That is a 40% increase from the 2015 election - when there were 32 - and includes 19 from Labour, 19 from the Tories and 7 from the SNP.

Prominent LGBT MPs include Scottish Secretary David Mundell, Education Secretary Justine Greening, and shadow defence secretary Nia Griffith. Read more via BBC