UK: Racism and the gay scene

WARNING: some of content in this feature may be offensive to some. FactSite does not condone it but felt we needed to present the responses honestly. 

“I actually feel physically sick at the sight of too much black flesh” - white gay man aged 27 from London. 

Over 850 Black, white, Asian, South Asian, Arab and mixed race gay men shared their thoughts on race and racism with FS. More than two-thirds of the men from the Black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds had personally experienced racism on the scene. Stuart Haggas reports on the results...

Some of the stories were common: many recalled being ignored on the scene or being blocked or called racist names on apps. For some the racial abuse went much deeper. Of all the racial groups, it was only among the Latin guys that a minority (35%) had not personally experienced racism.

About 63% of Black and South Asian men said that racism is a bigger issue for them than homophobia.  Read more via Fact Site