Belgium: Renewal in Brussels of the call for respect for the rights of LGBTI persons in the EU

The 2013 call for a comprehensive EU-wide policy approach to LGBTI issues was renewed on Friday at noon in Brussels on the occasion of the 5th IDAHOT Forum (short for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, celebrated annually on May 17).
The federal and Brussels Secretaries of State for Equal Opportunities, Zuhal Demir and Bianca Debaets, signed the call into action. Wallonia and Flanders will do the same later.

European ministers had launched this appeal to the European Commission and the member states at the IDAHOT Forum for the first time in 2013. Since then, progress has been made, such as the adoption of the "List for Advancing LGBTI Equality" by the Commission in December 2015.
Read more via Brussels Times