Indonesian Religion Minister’s Contradictory LGBT ‘Embrace’

Indonesia’s Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has a mixed messaging problem. 

On Monday, he called for Indonesia’s beleaguered lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population to be, “nurtured, not shunned.” That would appear to mark a reprieve from the onslaught of anti-LGBT harassment, intimidation, arrests, and violence – fueled by hateful rhetoric from other government officials – that has besieged Indonesian sexual and gender minorities for the past two years.

But not so fast. Saifuddin also set strict limits on his tolerance for LGBT people. He called for “religious adherents” to “embrace and nurture” LGBT people by reacquainting them with religious teaching, while in the same breath asserting that, “there is no religion that tolerates LGBT action.”

This is not Saifuddin’s first foray into doublespeak. Read more via HRW