US: Planned Parenthood in NYC announces PrEP for women on World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day this year was on 1 December. With the theme being Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability, and Partnerships, Planned Parenthood of New York made an announcement about PrEP.

PrEP is a daily medication that protects against HIV at a high level. Typically prescribed to men who have sex with men, Planned Parenthood is highlighting that the treatment is available for women, too.

While New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) announced that new HIV diagnoses in the city have reached a record low, they failed to mention the specific demographics.

Though it’s true that HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men have vastly decreased, it turns out that 90% of new HIV cases since 2015 were among black and Latina women.

‘Planned Parenthood of New York City and our community partners are at the front lines of fighting HIV/AIDS in NYC, and we will not stop fighting until we end HIV/AIDS for good,’ said Laura McQuade, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of New York City.

‘On World AIDS Day, we’re thrilled to roll out PrEP at our Queens health center, which means that all five of our centers provide PrEP. We’re committed to making sure women know about PrEP. PrEP historically has been marketed to cis men who have sex with men – it’s essential that women know that it’s an option for them as well.’ Read more via Gay Star News