UK: Leaflet at UKIP conference compares gay people to Hitler

A leaflet available at UKIP's conference has compared the "alternative lifestyle" of gay people to that of Hitler and the Yorkshire Ripper. The leaflet, titled 'Homosexuality - the real alternative', was available on a stand this morning for the Support 4 The Family group at UKIP's annual get-together in Torquay.

The conservative group did not write the leaflet, but does oppose gay marriage and transgender rights, and campaigns against what it calls "homosexual activism and gender bending at school." Signed by two Belfast clergyman, the leaflet says: "The question is whether homosexuality is a legitimate alternative. God says it is not."

Raymond Stewart, who described himself as the Belfast representative for Support 4 The Family, said he brought the leaflets over. Asked about the comparison he told the Mirror: "I can appreciate why that's been stated because the LGBT have a very aggressive agenda."

He said LGBT rights were being "foisted on our schools", adding: "The problem is Christians in the UK, especially in Northern Ireland, are being marginalised because they dare to believe that marriage is between one man and one woman." Read more via the Mirror