Egypt: Lawmakers introduce LGBT criminalization bill

Lawmakers in Egypt on Wednesday introduced a bill that would criminalize the country’s LGBT community.

A translated copy of the measure the Washington Blade obtained states “any two individuals or more, whether male or female, who conduct perverted sexual relations between themselves in any public or private place will each be arrested and sentenced to a period of no less than one year and no more than three years.”

Those who are found guilty of violating the proposed law more than once would face up to five years in prison.

The bill states those who “incite same sex relations, either by inciting, facilitating, hosting or calling for (them), even if they don’t perform the act itself, will be sentenced to prison for a period of no less than one year and no more than three years, as well as shutting down the venue.” Those who are found guilty of repeatedly violating this provision of the proposed law would face up to five years in prison.

The proposal also states “audio and video publicity and advertising for LGBTQ parties or gatherings are strictly prohibited on visual, audio and social medias.”

“In case of such violation, the host and promoter will face up to three years in prison,” it reads. “In case of holding a party or a gathering, the organizers and all participants will be sentenced to three years of prison, even if they were normal individuals. If the host was an entity, their legal representative will be put in prison, as well as shutting down both the entity and venue.”

The measure would also “strictly” prohibit anyone from carrying “any symbol or sign of the LGBTQ community, as well as prohibiting the production, selling, marketing or promotion of such products.” Those who violate this provision would face between 1-3 years in prison.

@Egaypt, an Egyptian LGBT rights advocate in D.C. who uses his Twitter account to identify himself, told the Blade on Thursday it remains unclear when lawmakers will debate the measure.

Read more via Washington Blade