Terry Crews Opens Up About Alleged Sexual Assault

Numerous women have come forward accusing Hollywood magnate Harvey Weinstein of both sexual harassment and assault over the past week. As more and more women come forward, many on the Internet have started a conversation about the feeling of being put in a position where you have to choose between coming forward about your alleged harassment or assault and your career. This is an important conversation, but it's also important to remember that it's not just women who are impacted by sexual assault.

Terry Crews proved this point on Twitter when he came forward with allegations of his own.

"This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME," Terry wrote.

He goes on to detail in a series of tweets how an anonymous Hollywood executive allegedly groped him during a party. And while many have wondered why some people who have accused Weinstein of sexual assault or harassment waited years, even decades, to come forward, Terry said he understands it perfectly.

"That night and the next day I talked to everyone I knew that worked with him about what happened. He called me the next day with an apology but never really explained why he did what he did," Terry wrote. "I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didn’t want 2b ostracized— par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go. Who’s going 2 believe you? ( few) What r the repercussions?(many) Do u want 2 work again? (Yes) R you prepared 2b ostracized?(No)"

"He knows who he is. But sumtimes Uhav2 wait & compare notes w/ others who’ve been victimized in order 2gain a position of strength," he wrote. "I understand and empathize with those who have remained silent. But Harvey Weinstein is not the only perpetrator."

Read more via TeenVogue