Australia: Sydney's epic street party for marriage equality

Sydney has just hosted an epic street party in honour of the ‘yes’ campaign for marriage equality.

The iconic Taylor Square in the center of Australia’s gay Mecca was shutdown on Sunday to make way for a free block party.

Major musicians like, Peking Duck, Ricki-Lee Coulter and John Paul Young took to the stage to get the party started in favour of marriage equality.

Hosted by same-sex marriage advocacy group, the Equality Campaign, the party drew more than 1000 supporters of marriage equality.

The party was in aid of promoting the need for people to post back their ‘yes’ ballots in Australia’s postal survey on marriage equality.

Partygoers took to social media to share the fun atmosphere using the #postyouryes hashtag.

Earlier that day hundreds of people took part in the Rainbow Walk along the iconic Bondi Beach to Bronte walking trail.

The postal survey forms must be returned by November 7 with results released on November 15. Read more via Gay Star News

Love is love. Family is family #postyouryes

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