Albania: Supporting the 5th Tirana Gay (P)Ride

The most important LGBTI pride event in Albania marks this year its 5th anniversary and many courageous Albanians from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia are sending their public support through photos of the hashtag ‪#Kurajo (meaning Courage).

Aleanca LGBT and ProLGBT, two main organizations for LGBTI rights in the country are posting each days these photos which in turn are becoming viral in social media.

“A photo might be nothing, for some people”, wrote in her Facebook Xheni Karaj, a lesbian activist, “but for us a photo means great hope that one day we will finally live a free life without prejudices, without forcing ourselves into double lives and without hiding the person we love! And courage is the thing not only us as LGBTI need, but also our allies”.  Read more and watch via Historia Ime