Jamaica: Deliriously happy after first Montego Bay Pride

We are deliriously happy to report that Montego Bay Pride 2015 was an unqualified success!! The best quote from someone who attended the intense one-day event was that it felt like a real Pride, as nearly 100 persons of all classes, sexualities and gender expressions (including several straight allies) freely and easily rubbed shoulders in a safe, fun and incident-free environment!

Our major sponsors (The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, The Round Hill Hotel and Villas, the Montego Bay Cultural Centre, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, and Miracle Transport) were awesome and we simply can’t thank them enough. Through their overwhelming generosity we were able to ensure that Pride was accessible to all by providing free meals, entertainment and ground transportation to our happy revelers! Several persons also donated Pride swag — especially the critical rainbow masks that allowed members of the community to freely and safely enjoy the day without fear of unintended exposure.

Most Pride patrons agreed that we must — and will — be hosting another Pride event in Montego Bay in 2016. Truly, Pride is Here to Stay in the Bay. 

 Read more via 76crimes