A Strategy For All

It's rare that we get excited about a UN document. We're excited. 

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) of UNAIDS recently approved a new five-year strategy for 2016 to 2021. For all the UN bodies, these strategy documents serve to guide the organization. Usually, they are jargon-filled, top-down documents that look good but have little meaning for the people that the agencies are supposed to serve.

UNAIDS has shown itself to be exceptional. Its new Strategy, "On the Fast-Track to end AIDS" is a remarkable document that not only people living with HIV and those working on it, but that anyone involved in health and development should definitely read.

It is the first time we have seen a comprehensive human rights-based approach (HRBA) be genuinely at the core of a strategic plan of a UN agency. Almost every page of the document refers to our rights, and links them to the specific steps that UNAIDS will undertake in the next few years. It is a excellent example of how to use the Human Rights (HR) framework to build a program on. Read more via IMAXI

 Read the strategy at UNAIDS