Thailand, South Africa, US: High risk groups adhere to daily PrEP

A recent study reports that those with a high risk of contracting HIV — including gay and bisexual men and transgender women — will adhere to a daily pre-exposure prophylaxis regimen to prevent HIV, shutting down critics who've said PrEP won't work because of adherence issues.

The study looked at adherence among transgender women and gay and bisexual men in New York and Thailand as well as young, single black women in South Africa. All of these groups successfully adhered to daily dosing.

Some previous placebo-controlled PrEP clinical trials had found challenges with adherence, but in this HIV Prevention Trials Network study, 76% of women prescribed PrEP adhered to the daily regimen. Trans women and men who have sex with men from Harlem and Bangkok showed adherence rates of 65% and 85% respectively. Read More