Isle of Man leader draws line under 'dark days' and aims to legalise gay marriage

Allan Bell, leader of the self-governing island, says he has been in a relationship for 21 years. Until homosexuality was decriminalised in 1992, two men caught having sex with each other in the Isle of Man faced life in prison. 23 years on, the island is hoping to follow Ireland, the UK, the US and others by bringing in equal marriage.

The chief minister, Allan Bell, said a public consultation would be launched this month on the introduction of laws to enable same-sex couples to be married. Bell said: “The message the Isle of Man has to send out in 2015 is that we are a tolerant, inclusive, open society. We abhor discrimination of any description and are outward looking and engaged with the outside world.”

It is an open secret on the island that Bell has been in a relationship with another man for 21 years: “People know that I’m gay. I’ve never made a secret of it, but no one has ever asked me.” Read More via the Guardian