SA: Community to march over horror murder of lesbian matriculant

The horrific murder of a young lesbian woman who had just passed matric has left the LGBTI community in the Vaal Triangle up in arms. Cedric Davids, from the Young Communists’ League, said the body of Motshidisi Pascalina was discovered in an open field near her home on 18 December.

According to Davids, who spoke to Pascalina’s mother, the young woman suffered brutal injuries and disfigurement: “They tied her up – her neck and arm were tied up. They removed her eyes, breasts and vagina and set her alight,” he said. “She had just matriculated last year,” Davids added.

The YCL, together with activists from Vaal LGBTI, are holding a march to the Mafatsana Police Station to protest against crimes against LGBTI people and the perceived inaction by the local authorities.

“This is not the first crime reported against the LGBTI in the area. There are also two rape cases which have not seen the perpetrators being brought to book,” said Davids. “We are not going to allow people to harm other females because of their gender identity and sexual expression.” Read more via Mamba Online