Jamaican music branded as ‘Hate Music’

Amid continuous cancellations of shows for several of dancehall and reggae’s top international acts, J-FLAG’s (The Jamaica Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays) executive director, Dane Lewis, is inviting reggae and dancehall artists and their management team to an open discussion on the issues faced by the entertainment industry where homophobic music is concerned.

Recently, artist manager Copeland Forbes expressed that the state of the industry has been consistently deteriorating due to songs that have been produced and performed over the years which call for discrimination and violence against gays and lesbians. In the article, Forbes stated, “You (artists) don’t need to address them (homosexuals) because a lot of them are in the record companies and you are shaking their hands and you don’t even know. Leave that alone, homosexuality existed before you and it will be here when you’re gone. You don’t need to bring that inna yuh music.” Read More