Switzerland: Boy, 4, goes to European Court to fight for his gay dads

A boy is going to the European Court of Human Rights after Switzerland ruled his two dads cannot both be registered as his parents. His proud dads conceived their child with the help of an anonymous egg donor and a surrogate. They are now suing for discrimination and intrusion into private and family matters because Swiss authorities are failing to recognize both men as the legal parents.

In May, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Switzerland’s highest court, returned a two to three verdict on the matter, ruling only the man whose sperm was used to fertilize the egg could be listed as the legal parent.   As the couple appeals to the European court, their four-year old son has joined the action, with his own lawyer arguing the child’s case.

Under Swiss law, same-sex couples can’t adopt children together, meaning that, should the legal father come to harm or die, his partner would not be able to adopt his own son. Read more via Gay Star News