UK: ‘Gay cure’ group complains that psychiatrists don’t believe homosexuality can be cured

The Core Issues Trust – who held a ‘Transformation Potential’ conference this week discussing conversion therapy–  has lodged a complaint with the General Medical Council against the Royal College of Psychiatrists who believe that homosexuality is biological in nature and fixed at birth. The anti-gay group say this is “discrimination” for people “who experience homosexual feelings but wish to reduce them."

One of the complainants, former GP Dr Peter May, said: “There is good evidence that sexual orientation can change. Yet the largest UK providers of psychotherapy and counselling, including the UK Council for Psychotherapy and the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, have all made ethical policy statements, banning any therapy which seeks to facilitate such a change.”

President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Professor Sir Simon Wessely, said: “The Royal College of Psychiatrists notes that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.  We consider that the provision of any intervention to ‘treat’ normal sexuality is unethical.”  Read More