...a straightforward attack on LGBT community...

...a straightforward attack on LGBT community...

“We believe this proposal is viewed by many people of faith and by others as a straightforward attack on LGBT community and it is not consistent with the loving and inclusive message of Christianity” 
~ Canon Charles Kenny, spokesman for the Church of Ireland's gay rights group Changing Attitude Ireland, on Northern Ireland's proposed anti-gay "conscience clause"  

I am proud to stand for the equality of all people

I am proud to stand for the equality of all people

"I am proud to stand for the equality of all people, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. I speak out because laws criminalising consensual, adult same-sex relationships violate basic rights to privacy and to freedom from discrimination. Even if they are not enforced, these laws breed intolerance." 
~ UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in India, Jan 12, 2015.

Day after day our children are pushed to jump off of a cliff

Day after day our children are pushed to jump off of a cliff

‘Day after day our children are pushed to jump off of a cliff. Without realizing that intimidation, humiliation and incitement to abuse are not from children, but adults who are unable to break their own paradigms.’
~ Alba Lucía Reyes Arena, while receiving an honorary diploma for her son Sergio David Urrego Reyes. Sergio, only 16 years old, killed himself because of on-going homophobic bullying by school officials and teachers.

I didn’t say, It’s OK to be different

I didn’t say, It’s OK to be different

From age 12 to 16, I shamed myself for having different feelings from my heterosexual classmates. I didn’t treat myself as I should have. I didn’t say, It’s OK to be different. There weren’t any people in my South African community who validated my feelings. There weren’t any mentors who could help me figure out how to be in the world as a queer female. ~ Lareto Mokube, South African poet and artist, currently seeking asylum in the US 

Let's not forget that this is still our fight

Let's not forget that this is still our fight

“With love for all of those who are positive and are afraid to speak, to all of those who know the horrible taste of rejection, to all of those who at least once have rejected or turned down someone just because of HIV status... and to the gay community, let's not forget that this is still our fight. Yes, the situation is different as it was in the beginning of the epidemic, but that doesn't mean gay positive people don't exist... We are here!” 
– Pablo Aguilera, Director of HIV Young Leaders Fund, Mexico

It is time to start behaving like we belong in the modern world.

It is time to start behaving like we belong in the modern world.

"Most developed and free nations of the world accept homosexuality, as they should. If we want to be one of them one day, it is time to start behaving like we belong in the modern world. Strong minority rights are evidence of justice in society. It shows even the powerless are heard and protected. So, gay or not, we need to do this. We need to move ahead in the world."
~ Chetan Bhagat, acclaimed Indian author