Let's not forget that this is still our fight

“With love for all of those who are positive and are afraid to speak, to all of those who know the horrible taste of rejection, to all of those who at least once have rejected or turned down someone just because of HIV status... and to the gay community, let's not forget that this is still our fight. Yes, the situation is different as it was in the beginning of the epidemic, but that doesn't mean gay positive people don't exist... We are here!” 
– Pablo Aguilera, Director of HIV Young Leaders Fund, Mexico

From the UN: The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution that supports rights of LGBT people. Meanwhile in New York at the United Nations General Assembly, political leaders joined UNAIDS Director Michel Sibide to announce the "Fast Track" strategy to end AIDS by 2030-- particularly among those left behind, such as gay men and other men who have sex with men. And the UN's Free and Equal campaign is now a year old -- check out the anniversary video.

Marching 'for' and 'against' equality: In Hong Kong hundreds of queer activists have joined the demonstrations for democracy. However, thousands march in France to "protect family values."

A new study finds a growing acceptance of gay people among American religious congregations and a survey out of Trinidad and Tobago shows support for equality and protection for LGBTI people. In Brazil, schoolboys support their trans classmate by wearing skirts. This small victory is overshadowed by a recent report noting 216 LGBTI people were murdered in Brazil this year.

While India has made progressive strides for trans people, the government does not want to see the same rights extended to gay and lesbian people. And in Egypt, men are forced to 'prove' heterosexuality with an invasive physical exam after a video links them to a 'gay marriage.'

In the Sudan, LGBT human rights group Rainbow Sudan speaks out against injustices. In Uganda a judge comes forward about death threats she's received for overturning the Anti-Homosexuality Act, meanwhile president Museveni suggested a return of the Act will hurt Uganda's economy.

"Faces of Faith" documentarian Daniella Zalcman explores pro-LGBT support among religious Ugandans and Serbia celebrated the return of Pride after four years absence. Meanwhile, in Kyrgyzstan the Russian-style “gay propaganda” ban moves forward just as  Chad looks to become the 37th African state to make homosexuality a criminal offense.

In Foreign Policy, Suzanne Nossel looks at the cultural and political situations that continue to create an "international community that increasingly looks like a tale of two closets when it comes to gay rights."   And the Economist explores progress and backlash in a special issue on gay rights.

But this isn't the whole story as African religious leaders try to find common ground with LGBTI people and Nigerian Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama says the Catholic Church in Nigeria doesn't wish punitive action on gay people.

HIV, health, and wellbeing: A man is suing clinics and China's premiere Internet search engine over 'gay conversion therapy' in China, while Israel's health ministryissues a public warning condemning these therapies in Israel.  And Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma argues that conversion therapy is the most dangerous trend in Africa.

Fear of violence and discrimination keeps gay Russians from seeking out health services. Meanwhile, a study out of the US shows over half of gay and bisexual men have never discussed sexual health with their doctors. While Thailand hopes to reach these groups by bringing healthcare to the party scene, activists say that adolescents in the UK aren't receiving sex education.

Meanwhile, trans people in Malaysia continue to seek essential healthcare services. Proper healthcare is changing the way people have sex as a landmark studysuggests undetectable viral load prevents HIV transmission and more people are "coming out" of the PrEP closet. Not ready for safer sex through AIDS treatment? This latex underwear promises to protect from STIs.

Many doctors and their HIV positive patients are now dealing with the challenges of aging, but these can be particularly difficult for older LGBT people whose community support structure is nontraditional. Meanwhile a study from Canada finds suicide has surpassed HIV as a leading cause of death among gay and bisexual men. The unfortunate suicide of a Colombian gay teen shows the problem is harming youth everywhere.

On WatchTechnology surveillance continues in Egypt where the government uses social media and dating sites to identify gay people, which activists say has led to persecution. In Iran authorities have confirmed using Facebook to arrest suspected gay men. The first progressive gay and female friendly mosque in South Africa remains open despite bureaucratic threats and outright arson attacks.

Lessons learnt: The head of US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called for a stronger response to the Ebola crisis saying that "we have to work now so that this is not the world's next AIDS." 

Meanwhile "feel-good movie of the year" tells the story of the joint efforts of LGBT advocates in UK working for local miners' rights

Evolving Culture: Facebook rescinds their controversial 'real name' policy after an outpouring of support for individuals whose identity doesn't match their birth certificate.  

This summer the Inuit people reflected on tradition, culture, homosexuality, and god. MTV will showcase the first intersex character in their teen drama "Faking It."This article provides great background on those who are intersex.

Jeffery Tambor stars in a new Amazon on-demand show about a trans woman coming out to her family, India sees its first transgender news anchor, and Canadian hockey players get a gender inclusive locker room. Meanwhile the Smithsonian is preparing for a "post-homophobic" future. 

Finally, check out these responses to being "queer" or read this Japanese cookbook using condoms

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