Romania: The authorities’ refusal to legally recognise a change of gender identity in the absence of surgery breached the Convention

The case concerned the situation of two transgender persons whose requests for recognition of their gender identity and for the relevant administrative corrections to be made were refused on the grounds that persons making such requests had to furnish proof that they had undergone gender reassignment surgery.

Czech Republic: Don't worry, rainbow families will not slip towards us! The borders are guarded by the Constitutional Court

Most democratic countries in the world recognize the same adoption of same-sex couples. However, due to Monday's ruling of the Constitutional Court, the Czech Republic will continue to be the kingdom of inequality with firmly guarded borders, through which no rainbow family will pass.

Venezuelan Civil Society Organizations: We reject the criminalization and harassment against Azul Positivo and its members

On Tuesday, January 12, 2021, in the city of Maracaibo, the headquarters of the organization ACCIÓN ZULIANA POR LA VIDA, known as AZUL POSITIVO, were raided by a commission of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), in an alleged administrative procedure to the activities of the humanitarian assistance program developed by the organization in the state of Zulia.