Turkey: The only just outcome is the acquittal of the METU Pride human rights defenders

We call on the trial prosecutor to recommend the acquittal of all the human rights defenders, and for all the relevant authorities in Turkey to ensure that the security forces and METU administration uphold the right to freedom of peaceful assembly as enshrined in domestic law and international human rights law.

US: New Federal Contractors’ Rule Creates “Essentially Limitless” Exemption for Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) today announced a final rule that dramatically expands the ability of federal contractors to claim religious exemptions from federal nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.

Philippines: 11 articles to understand why the SOGIE bill is important

The recent online hearing regarding the bill, now called the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill presented more misconceptions about the gender orientation, the bill and the LGBTQIA+ community itself — even linking pedophilia and necrophillia.

UK: Amnesty warns of 'giant leap backwards' as Human Rights Act threatened

‘From Hillsborough, to Grenfell to the appalling mishandling of the recent Covid crisis in care homes, we have never so badly needed a means to hold the Government to account’ - Kate Allen

US: Department of Labor Publishes Final Rule to Implement Legal Requirements for Religious Exemption

This rule will encourage the full and equal participation of religious organizations as federal contractors. Religious organizations, many of them small nonprofits, provide such essential services as feeding the hungry, supporting refugees, and educating our nation’s students.

Pakistan: Members write to the government of Pakistan regarding the rights of trans human rights defenders, in particular the case of Nayyab Ali

We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, are writing to you to express our deepest concerns over the increasing killings, attempted killings, kidnappings and physical attacks against transgender rights defenders in Pakistan.

Hungary: What does the MEP sex scandal tell us about Viktor Orban's Hungary?

The resignation of a scandal-embroiled politician is always going to make political waves and headline news. But what sets the case of Hungarian MEP József Szájer apart is not just the nature of the scandal he finds himself at the centre of, but also the manner in which it is being reported on by the media is revealing in itself.

Singapore: LGBT activist seeks court order for parliamentary Bill on repealing Section 377A

A lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights activist has applied to the High Court for a mandatory order for Cabinet to move a Bill in Parliament to abolish the law that criminalises sex between men.