UK: How should we care for older people with HIV?

As people living with HIV are living into old age, clinicians are developing new models of care. Dr Tom Levett and colleagues in Brighton, England, have recently described a combined HIV and geriatrics clinic – the Silver Clinic – that was designed to meet the needs of such patients by combining HIV care with geriatric care.

World AIDS Day 2020: Centering Key Populations in the Global HIV Response

This year, we commemorate World AIDS Day in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global health crisis that has caused immense human misery and economic insecurity. Despite the devastation caused by the ongoing pandemic, we call on global policymakers and donors to not lose sight of their goal to end the HIV epidemic, which is now entering its fifth decade.

African churches: Why preach love, then imprison gays?

Why do people who preach love every Sunday want people put in prison for what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms? That was one of the questions — especially regarding homophobic Christian churches in Africa and the Caribbean — that led to the Intimate Conviction 2 conference, which ended Nov. 27.

Governments must do more to prevent slavery and exploitation during COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk that people at the edges of society will be pushed into slavery, trafficking and/or sexual exploitation, and governments must do more to protect them, say UN human rights experts